You reached this page because you were interested in seeing some of our Members Only content.
I am so thankful that you have found your way here, whether by design or happy accident.
I could not do what I do without the support of all the amazing members and I would love for you to join us!
You can read all about what lies behind the curtain below those lovely red buttons.
I would be so very grateful if you would help support your favorite Carrie Brown Things!
Choose from 8 options – or pick and choose which bits you want! – 6 come with benefits and 2 are for the love
(Each Option Is Described Below The Buttons)
You love and benefit from all the free content that I create and provide on my website and in various places on social media, and want to show your gratitude and help support my work because together we can do so much more. You want to be connected, participate, see what I’m doing, and see all the new things before everyone else. You want to see behind the curtain.
- You’ll get all the free content I produce for the world including recipes, photography, podcasts, Facebook Groups, Lives, Videos, and more
- You’ll get my undying gratitude for your love, enthusiasm, and support
- You’ll get all of the members only posts
- Private and early access to all new content before general release
- Exclusive access to content not shared anywhere else
- Discounts on digital products, classes, and programs – including digital cookbooks, cooking masterclasses, and photography. Everything I sell you’ll get a discount on
- Secret Heroes Facebook Group
- Direct access to me via the Facebook Group and this membership site
- Support, inspiration, and cheer-leading from your fellow Heroes
- Secret Heroes Facebook Lives + Top Tips / Q&As (and recorded for replay)
- Pics of what I’m working on and secret peeks into my life
- All the new creative content I am working on behind the scenes – exclusive access to photography, podcast, you tube, and other topics and things I am adding to help make life better
- You simply get All. The. Things
You love and benefit from all the free content that I create and provide on my website and in various places on social media, and want to show your gratitude and help support my work because together we can do so much more. You want to be connected, participate, see what I’m doing, and see new things before everyone else. You want to see behind the curtains.
- You’ll get all the free content I produce for the world including recipes, photography, podcasts, Facebook Groups, Lives, Videos, and more
- You’ll get my undying gratitude for your love, enthusiasm, and support
- You’ll get some of the members only posts
- Private and early access to new creative content before general release
- Discounts on digital products, classes, and programs – including digital cookbooks, cooking masterclasses, and photographery. Everything creative that I sell you’ll get a big discount on
- Direct access to me via this membership site
You love and benefit from all the free content that I create and provide on my website and in various places on social media, and want to show your gratitude and help support my work because together we can do so much more. You want to be connected, participate, see what I’m doing, and see all the new things before everyone else. You want to see behind the curtain.
- You’ll get all the free content I produce for the world including recipes, photography, podcasts, Facebook Groups, Lives, Videos, and more
- You’ll get my undying gratitude for your love, enthusiasm, and support
- You’ll get some of the members only posts
- Private and early access to new recipes & related content before general release
- Discounts on digital products, classes, and programs – including digital cookbooks, and cooking masterclasses. Everything food-related I sell you’ll get a discount on
- Secret Heroes Facebook Group
- Direct access to me via the Facebook Group and this membership site
- Support, inspiration, and cheer-leading from your fellow Heroes
- Secret Heroes Facebook Lives + Top Tips / Q&As (and recorded for replay)
You love and benefit from all the free content that I create and provide on my website and in various places on social media, and want to show your gratitude and help support my work because together we can do so much more. You want to be connected, participate, see what I’m doing, and see new things before everyone else. You want to see behind the recipe curtain.
You love and benefit from all the free content that I create and provide on my website and in various places on social media, and want to show your gratitude and help support my work because together we can do so much more. You want to be connected, participate, see what I’m doing, and see new things before everyone else. You want to see behind the recipe curtain.
- You’ll get all the free content I produce for the world including recipes, photography, podcasts, Facebook Groups, Lives, Videos, and more
- You’ll get my undying gratitude for your love, enthusiasm, and support
- You’ll get some of the members only posts
- Private and early access to new recipes & related content before general release
- Discounts on digital products, classes, and programs – including digital cookbooks, and cooking masterclasses. Everything food-related I sell you’ll get a discount on
- Direct access to me via this membership site
I scream, you scream, we all scream for Keto Ice Cream! And the Best – hands down – keto ice cream and frozen desserts are here. Ask anyone. As a member of the Ice Cream of the Month Club I will be showering you with:
- Exclusive and Unpublished New Keto Recipes every month! One traditional and one Creami plus their Mix-ins
- More Ice Cream: all-new keto recipes including traditional egg custards and recipes for the Ninja Creami! (You asked for them!)
- Frozen Desserts: think popsicles, sweetener-free things, and other awesome frozen stuff!
- Seasonal recipes!
- Tips, and tricks for EVERY. SINGLE. New Recipe and Mix-In!
- Private Facebook Group: for sharing, support, and FUN!
- Influence new recipes and what goes in the next Keto Ice Cream Cookbook!
- You’ll get my undying gratitude for your love, enthusiasm, and support
- Direct access to me via this membership site
You love and benefit from all the free content that I create and provide on my website and in various places on social media, and want to show your gratitude and help support my work because together we can do so much more.
- You’ll get all the free content I produce for the world including recipes, photography, podcasts, Facebook Groups, Lives, Videos, and more
- You’ll get my undying gratitude for your love, enthusiasm, and support
- You’ll get some of the members only posts
You love and benefit from all the free content that I create and provide on my website and in various places on social media, and want to show your gratitude and help support my work because together we can do so much more.
You prefer to make one-time gift of support rather than a monthly subscription.
- You’ll get all the free content I produce for the world including recipes, photography, podcasts, Facebook Groups, Lives, Videos, and more
- You’ll get my undying gratitude for your love, enthusiasm, and support
- You’ll get some of the members only posts
Carrie Brown
I’m on a mission to help people make their lives better!
To share my journey with BiPolar II Disorder and other health issues to help as many people as I can go from surviving to thriving, and discover that life with mental illness doesn’t have to be one of endless pain and pills. You can watch me share my journey here: https://youtu.be/iGW-J4PBCeU
I create recipes, cookbooks, photography, videos, articles, live streams, books, and images to educate, support, and inspire others onto a path of a better life and wellness. I fund my work wholly with the sale of cookbooks, cooking masterclasses, programs, and images, plus the generous support of lovely people like you who want to help but don’t have the time or resources – so they do their part by supporting my work instead – and I pay it forward.
I have never felt comfortable putting ads on my sites like most other food blogs – having ads appear on my site for unhealthy foods and ingredients, or the implied endorsement of products and supplements I don’t recommend and would not use? It just doesn’t feel right to me.
But that makes it hard to keep the wheels turning and the oven lit. So I can’t tell you how grateful I am to all of you who have helped make what I do possible through cookbook purchases. Aside from cookbooks, all the recipes, videos, articles, images, plus social media content and groups are free for whoever needs them.
Food has demonstrated the power to comfort, inspire – and most importantly – heal us, and that is what I hope to do for others with the recipes I create. I also want to connect with people. And help people feel not alone. I want to help people feel hope. I want to help people feel. And know that their life can go from surviving to thriving.
I need your help to keep everything I create freely available so I can make maximum impact out in the world. To be able to do more creating of tools that will help, and less selling.
If any of this is something you believe in, something that feels important to you – or if you have in some way benefited from my work – this is the place where you get to help make more of that possible.
Thank you for believing in me and my mission. Thank you for making my continued work possible. Thank you for being my online family, my cheering squad, my posse, and my Heroes.
Let’s go make lives better, together. *Way* more than we can on our own.