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 Back at the tail end of June I had a tapas brunch with a whole gaggle of gorgeous girls, half of whom I had never met before.  Fast-forward 6 weeks & it was time to gather together again, this time with even more invitees.  Being summer though, with vacations & moving houses & all sorts of other stuff pulling & pushing us busy gals, what started out as a party of 9, ended up as 5.  As it happens, that turned out to be a good thing, since our venue couldn’t accommodate more than 5 at any one table, so we would have been split up anyway.  It all worked out as it was supposed to.  It always does.

 I had randomly decided on Peso’s Kitchen for our Girlie Brunch Date.  Slap bang next to Toulouse Petit & owned by the same people, I figured we couldn’t really go wrong.  It would be really strange if they ran one fabulous eatery & one not-so-fabulous eatery, now wouldn’t it.  Especially right next door to each other.

Honestly?  I no longer remember any of the detail about our brunch.  I didn’t take notes becasue we were too busy catching up on each others summer news.

I know we had a fun time together.  I know the food was OK.  I know we all left feeling that it had been an experience.  I don’t think any of us would put Peso’s Kitchen in our Top 10.  For me it wouldn’t even make my Top 30.  Yikes.  The food wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t memorable in the slightest.

The only thing that I remember about this omelet was that it was so hot I had to call 911 & get a glass of full-fat milk into my gob as fast as possible.

I know that the place was dimly lit & filled with a young, crazy crowd.  I know the service wasn’t special on the day that we went.

I know that the company was awesome & it was great to catch up with my new gal-pals.

I suspect that if you like spicy, Mexican food & a young, hoppin’ vibe, you might just like this place.  I’ve heard that this is the place to go for singles on the look-out.  The reviews are mainly really good, so maybe it was just us that didn’t feel the love for Peso’s.  I know that I likely won’t ever go back there.  If you choose to go, know that there’ll be a line and get there early!

Peso's Kitchen and Lounge on Urbanspoon

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