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The Fatty Joe Show : Marty Kendall

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This is the first half of our interview with Marty Kendall, author of Big Fat Keto Lies and founder of Optimizing Nutrition!

Marty Kendall passionately dove head first into nutritional research to help hiswife and himself improve their health. Marty has compiled tons of data on the ketogenic diet and how whole real nutrient dense foods affect health outcomes. With that data Marty created the Optimizing Nutrition website, Data Driven Fasting programs, and authored the book “Big Fat Keto Lies” in order to combat all the misinformation that is prevalent in the keto world. Marty joins Yogi to talk about his new book, research, and to debunk some dogma!

Marty is  an engineer with a passion for nutrition who seeks things numerically. Marty’s wife is a type 1 diabetic and Marty also has a family history of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Recently, by refining their diet to prioritize low insulinogenic nutrient dense foods Marty’s wife Monica has been able to achieve improved blood sugar control, increased energy, and reduced depression and anxiety that so often comes with blood sugar dysregulation.
She’s now able to enjoy working as a teacher rather than just getting through the morning and needing to sleep through the afternoon before picking up their kids.  Her only regret is that she didn’t discover this earlier.

After years of dabbling in diet and nutrition Marty has been able to step up to a new level of vitality, reach his ideal weight, and reverse his pre-diabetes. They have also seen dramatic improvements in the health and happiness of their kids by changing what they eat. For Marty, this is personal.  Marty hopes that their journey can help to shortcut your path to optimum health.

There are always new things to learn in the world of health and nutrition.  The range of conflicting ideas makes it difficult to find a cohesive dietary narrative to achieve health and wellness. Marty’s aim is to consolidate the best of all these ideas into an algorithm that will enable an individual to tailor their diet to suit their goals. This approach builds on LCHF, paleo, and ketogenic frameworks to minimize the negative effects of excess insulin while maximizing nutrition through eating real, luxurious and delicious food.

⭐️ To follow Marty Kendall, and become a member of the Optimizing Nutrition or Data Driven Fasting, check out the links below: ?
⭐️ Facebook: ?
⭐️ Instagram: @martykendall76  @datadrivenfasting
⭐️ Twitter: @martykendall2

⭐️ Books:
Big Fat Keto Lies by Marty Kendall: ?
The Secret Life of Fat by Sylvia Tara: ?

⭐️ Products mentioned on the show
KETO CHOW: ?  (10% discount)

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  • RobinFayettevilleHi Carrie, I am a huge fan of making liposome encapsulated vitamin C, but I’ve recently bought multiple “sonic jewelry cleaners” that aren’t actually making the lecithin mix with the vitamin C. It all separates, doesn’t taste right, and isn’t right. Can you recommend a brand of jewelry cleaner you have bought recently that works for making lipo-vitamin C? Thanks! ReplyCancel

    • Carrie BrownHi Robin! This is my latest one:

      I got tired of making it several times a week and this way I can make a big batch and store in the fridge. Hope that helps!ReplyCancel