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Lemon Buttered Shrimp

It’s finally Friday.  I am not sure why I said finally, as though it has been more than 7 days since the last one, or that time has dragged.  This week has flown by.  One minute it was Monday morning and I was off racing around the office like a mad woman, and the next it was Thursday morning and the car was off to the shop for a service.  I am happy to report that I did not need a second mortgage to pay the bill for the service, because after 150,000 miles still nothing needed fixin’.  Yay!  I am still reeling from giving up the $5500 that I traded in for a new transmission last summer.  Oh and the shiny new brakes.  Driving around the Rocky Mountain National Park was a bit more of an adventure than I had bargained for after my brakes decided that they also needed a vacation.  The upside is that I can now drive downhill without even thinking about touching my foot to that left-hand pedal.  I learnt that trick really quickly one sunny afternoon when I realized that the burning smell was not coming from a forest fire.

I should mention that when I say Friday, what I really mean is MY Friday, which looks a lot like many people’s Thursday – those who work a regular work week anyway.  Whatever that is.  My week looks a little different.  I do one thing Monday – Thursday and another thing Friday – Sunday.  My Friday – Sunday looks like a long weekend, because it’s jam-packed with fun stuff – eating, shooting things, eating some more, going on adventures, cooking, writing on here…did I mention eating?  Monday – Thursday I am rather more serious and responsible.  I wear appropriate clothing, lipstick and do complicated stuff to my hair, which sometimes even involves hairspray.  I drive across town at some ungodly hour on those mornings, and eat a lot of spinach.  A *lot* of spinach.  I start early and stay late.  And then eat more spinach.  Popeye was onto something, you know.  Spinach really does make you big and strong.  Well, healthy and slim, but you get my drift.

So it’s my Friday.  And even though it’s already late and I really should be heading off to the Land Of Nod, I’m already excited for My Week, Pt.II.  Mini-Me and The Hubs will be over tomorrow for the next riveting installment of The Friday Night Dinner.  I keep the menu secret from them until they’re seated at my kitchen table, but if you promise not to tell them, I’ll give you a clue.  It’s chicken.

Right now, though, I want to talk about shrimp.  I am trying desperately hard to catch up on myself so that I can get into a simple routine of cook, shoot, eat, blog.  All within a day.  Who knows if I’ll ever get there, but that’s the grand plan, and right now I am behind.  So let’s talk about shrimp.

You may have read about my FAVORITE. SALAD. EVER.  If not, I hope you’ll consider it.  It’s a very delicious salad.  When I was telling you about the last time I made it, I mentioned that I also made Lemon Buttered Shrimp.  This recipe took about 5 seconds to dream up, 5 minutes to do and 3 minutes 25 seconds to devour.  I ate a whole pound in one sitting.  The next day I did it again, without the dreaming up part, because by then it was already dreamed up and just had to be done and devoured.  I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve made it since.  When shrimps go on sale any more, I know what I’m having.  Shrimp – it’s what for dinner.

Here’s what it looks like when I am eating alone: Lemon Buttered Shrimp

Here’s what it looks like when I am eating with friends:

Lemon Buttered Shrimp with Pineapple Pine Nut Salad and Asparagus

Clearly, eating with friends is good for one’s health.

I was never much of a shrimp eater until I came to the US.  Of course, living in Seattle there’s an abundance of them.  In England, at least when I was growing up, they were a bit of a delicacy.  I’m not sure what the shrimp situation is over there now – maybe one of my mates from the other side will chime in and give us an update.

When I make this dish I use the baby pre-cooked shrimp.  The ones called “96 – 120 count”, or something like that.  For four reasons.

  1. You get more shrimp!
  2. You pay less per pound!
  3. You only have to heat them through and they’re done!
  4. You get more sauce since the surface area of the shrimp is bigger!

However, if you like to spend more money, or just want fewer-but-bigger shrimp, you may use whatever darn size you choose.  I personally think that the baby shrimp just look prettier.  I refuse to get on the train of thought that says, “Bigger is better!”, because as we all know deep down, size {often} doesn’t matter.  Especially in some things.  Give me substance over size any day. Lemon Buttered Shrimp

This was the first meal that I cooked for Mini-Me and The Hubs.  I am not sure what they were expecting.  Just because I like to eat good food, doesn’t necessarily mean that I am any good at cooking it.  I know plenty of people who *love* food, but can’t boil an egg without burning it.  While pastry is my forte, if I put my mind to it I can cook up a decent plate of nosh.  At least, I haven’t killed anyone yet, and I don’t recall a time when anyone left the table hungry, or furtively looking for the trash can.

Mini-Me exclaimed on the first bite, “OHHH, I love the shrimp!  I could eat an ENTIRE pan of this shrimp.  It is so flavorful.  And creamy.”

This dish tastes so rich, it’s almost impossible to believe that it is staggeringly healthy.  It also takes 5 minutes to cook.  Go on.  Whip a bag of shrimp out the freezer for dinner tonight.  Lemon Buttered Shrimp, Pineapple Pine Nut Salad & some steamed asparagus.  So SANE* I can barely stand it.

Lemon Buttered Shrimp
Author: Carrie Brown |
Serves: 4
  • 1/2 tsp. konjac flour (glucomannan powder)
  • ½ cup / 4 fl oz. unsweetened thin coconut milk***
  • 1 oz / 30g butter
  • 2 lb / 900g pre-cooked baby shrimp
  • Coarse ground lemon pepper
  • Juice and zest of 1 lemon
  1. In a small bowl, rapidly whisk the konjac flour and coconut milk*** into a slurry.
  2. Melt the butter in a skillet, over medium heat.
  3. Add the shrimp and warm through.
  4. Add lemon pepper to taste, and the lemon juice and zest.
  5. As soon as the shrimp are warm and have released all their juices, about 4 minutes, stir the flour / milk slurry into the shrimp.
  6. Stir continuously until mixture has thickened and cook for 1 minute.
  7. Sprinkle with lemon zest and lemon pepper to garnish.
*** For a seriously creamy, decadent option, use heavy cream.


Lemon Buttered Shrimp with Pineapple Pine Nut Salad

Great with Pineapple Pine Nut Salad and steamed asparagus.



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  • Justin "The BIG Guy"This is my introduction dish to the SANE lifestyle. I am forever changed. Thank you Carrie!ReplyCancel

  • Mini-MeLove love loved this dish!! So creamy and flavorful. I could have eaten the entire 2 pounds of shrimp on my own!ReplyCancel

  • Pineapple Pine Nut Salad » Carrie Brown | Marmalade and Mileposts[…] the Geek Squad, I offered it up alongside Lemon Buttered Shrimp and a large helping of lightly steamed asparagus.  Everyone swooned.  I’ve been known to […]ReplyCancel

  • Tabitha TPrawns are less of a delicacy now than they used to be here in the UK, but there’s a debate going on about where they’re farmed (destruction of mangrove swamps, and insanitary conditions) North Atlantic prawns are meant to be better than the mostly larger, more luxurious-seeming ones farmed in warm waters.

    Could you use buckwheat in place of the konjac flour? I know it’s not “paleo” (high carb, high GI) but I have some in the cupboard as a wheat substitute.ReplyCancel

  • SteveWhere can I get Konjac Flour?ReplyCancel

  • Braised Cabbage » Carrie Brown | Life in the SANE lane[…] BBQ Shrimp, but you could also use it with Turkey and Mushroom Stroganoff, Sage and Onion Pork, Lemon Buttered Shrimp, or any number of other SANE and saucy […]ReplyCancel

  • EileenIf I don’t have access to the Glucommanan powder today (will order but want to cook this today) is there an alternative? Would almond flour or coconut flour work?ReplyCancel

    • carrieHi Eileen,

      Coconut flour is likely your best bet. The reason I don’t use it as standard is that results are unpredictable and not guaranteed. I’ve had it work and I’ve had it not work. If you still have cornflour in your pantry and you are not sensitive to it then use that – the small amount won’t do any harm – but I’d only use it in a case like this where there is little option. If you have guar gum or xanthan gum handy then either of those will work, but the result won’t be as good as glucomannan and they are more difficult to incorporate successfully.

      Thickeners are tricky and I have experimented up and down, but I hope the above helps you get this on the table today while you wait for your glucomannan to arrive.ReplyCancel

      • EileenThank you! Am trying this recipe tomorrow b/c I ran out of time tonight but in the meantime will order the “real” stuff for the future. =)ReplyCancel