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Salmon with Orange and Fennel

I have news.  I wouldn’t hang onto your seats though – I am not sure you’ll find it anywhere near as exciting as I do, although secretly I hope you’ll be happy for me anyway.  I am almost up-to-date with my recipe posts.  I AM ALMOST UP-TO-DATE WITH MY RECIPE POSTS!!  Thank you for letting me get that out.  It’s a big thing for me, you know.  You’ll have 6 complete SANE* meals to try, and I can sleep again.  I am still hopelessly behind on travel posts and restaurant posts, as well as vacuuming, folding the laundry, and strapping the trifid wisteria to the fence, but checking something off your to-do list is better than checking nothing, right?

Just like eating SANE*, life is not about perfection.  It’s about moving in the right direction – some small steps, some big bounds – but each one getting us closer to our aspirations, whatever they may be.  Some days we might not take a step, and that’s OK, because while we’re not moving forward, we’re not undoing all the steps we’ve taken so far.  That might be seen by some as a strong statement, but I contend that it is true.  It is also fairly simple math:

101 draft blog posts + beavering away for an entire week with no sleep = 93 draft blog posts.

Add A Big Breakfast Adventure of new content = 94 draft blog posts, which is not the same as 101 draft blog posts.


160 lbs + lots of SANE* eating + a little eccentric exercise = 150 lbs.

Add a weekend celebrating a loved one’s birthday eating whatever the heck you feel like = 152 lbs, which is not the same as 160 lbs.

And that, lovely people, is why I just ate a bowl of {homemade} ice cream without a care in the world.  I may not have moved forward today, but I am still far further along the road to slim & healthy than when I started out on this whole SANE* lifestyle thing.  A bowl of ice cream does not blow everything you’ve accomplished thus far.  Update!  I made you a whole cookbook full of SANE Ice Cream recipes!!!

Perfection: it’s not possible, it’s not necessary and it’s not required.

This, on the other hand, is a perfectly SANE* dish – Salmon with Orange and Fennel.  I thoroughly recommend it to you.  I am sure Mini-Me and The Hubs do too, since they gobbled up their portions without hesitation.

Salmon with Oranges and Fennel

This was last week’s Friday Night Dinner.  It’s the entrée I served up with the Almond Parmesan Squash that took my little corner of the blogiverse by storm.  People were pinning that puppy all over the place.  I am still dreaming about it.  While the squash turned out to be the star of the whole show, this salmon also rocked our worlds.  Mini-Me is still undecided about eating salmon with something reminiscent of liquorice, but if you’re a fennel fan you’ll love this.  If you’re new to fennel, give it a whirl.  There’s a million exciting fennel recipes out there just waiting to be discovered.  It could open up a whole new world to you.  Fennel, I’ll have you know, has medicinal benefits ranging from detoxification to a flatulence aid to loosening accumulated phlegm.  Yes, we could all use some fennel floating around inside us.  Go, fennel!

Salmon with Oranges and Fennel

This lovely fish dish is quick and simple and terribly healthy.  Fish is an extraordinary source of protein.  Add the Almond Parmesan Squash and a mixed green salad on the side for a fantastically SANE* meal.

Salmon with Orange and Fennel
Author: Carrie Brown |
Serves: 4
  • 2 large oranges, segmented (see note below for how to segment an orange)
  • 1 small fennel bulb, halved lengthwise and very thinly sliced crosswise, fronds reserved for garnish
  • 1/4 cup pitted green olives, halved
  • 2 TBSP fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. olive oil
  • Coarse salt and ground pepper
  • 2 tsp. coconut oil**
  • 4 skinless salmon fillets (make sure they are of uniform thickness so that they all cook in the same time)
  1. In a bowl, combine the orange segments and juice, fennel, olives, lemon juice, and olive oil; season with salt and pepper, and toss gently. Set aside.
  2. In a large nonstick skillet, heat the coconut oil over medium heat.
  3. Add salmon fillets, flat side down, and cook until browned, about 3 minutes.
  4. Turn salmon and cook until opaque throughout, 1 to 3 minutes more, depending on thickness.
  5. Place salmon fillets in a serving dish and spoon the orange mixture over the top of each piece.
  6. Garnish with fennel fronds.
Segmenting an orange: with the peel still on the fruit, slice off the stem and blossom ends. Following the fruit’s curve, cut away the peel and white pith. Then, over a bowl, cut along the membranes to release the segments. Once the segments of orange are removed, squeeze the membranes for juice.[br][br]**You cannot taste the coconut in the finished dish. Trust me on this one if you’ve never used coconut oil for cooking before.

Salmon with Oranges and Fennel & Almond Parmesan Squash


Great with: Almond Parmesan Squash and a mixed green salad.



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  • ggtexsI loooove your posts. You are (totally cheesy comment that is totally true) a great inspiration and at the right moment. I felt awful cause this weekend I celebrated my anniv. with hubby and felt bad about it. You reminded me I don’t need to! You are GOLDEN!ReplyCancel

    • carrieYay!! This makes me so happy – thanks for sharing how awesome this SANE lifestyle is!ReplyCancel

  • Justin "The BIG Guy"This was an amzing dish. If you are a fan of salmon.. this. is. a. must. have. I am a huge fan of this dish.ReplyCancel

  • Mini-MeYes please! Probably the best salmon I have ever had because it was so simple and not covered in spices. The oranges, fennel & olives made this fish so moist! Love the simplicity of this dish.ReplyCancel

  • DrTuskMade this wonderful recipe for dinner tonight with Copper River salmon. I’ve never had fennel before, and it’s very bright on the palate. Thanks!ReplyCancel

    • carrieIt makes me so happy to hear that you are enjoying new flavors and foods. And I love that you are having success with these recipes! Thanks for the feedback – hugely appreciated.ReplyCancel