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Roast Turkey Casserole

It occurred to me earlier that because The Monday Memo got derailed by Christmas Eve and New Years Eve and all the related holiday shenanigans, you’ve missed a few things that have been going down over here at Carrie Brown HQ.  You have not, however, missed Roast Turkey Casserole.  Thank goodness!

Exciting things.  Like the bi-fold door to the closet-under-the-stairs being replaced by a *proper* door.  To appreciate why this is so exciting you would need to understand that since the pantry lost the fight with my contractor’s crowbar back in November, the cat food has been relocated to the aforementioned closet.  The cats were thrilled about the relocation.  They can open a bi-fold door with ease.  So for 3 months I’ve had a chair wedged under the door knob to prevent a month’s worth of food being chowed down in 2 days.  Given that this closet also houses the shoes, the cowboy boots, the coats, the baseball caps and floppy straw hats, not to mention the water main shut-off, having to un-wedge and re-wedge a chair multiple times a day lost it’s appeal about 3½ days after the pantry was demolished.  Then, in a flash of inspiration, I wondered if the pantry frame and door that have been lolling in the garage for the last 3 months would fit the closet.  You know, the frame and door that I have been walking by at least twice a day when getting the car in and out of the garage.  The frame and door that are now on guard duty at the closet.  The cats are not amused.  Penelope is particularly fed up because she can no longer hide in there and freak the house-sitters out.  I am hoping Penelope will soon forget she’s fed up.

Roast Turkey Casserole

I’m hoping you’ve all forgotten that you’re fed up with turkey now that the holidays are but a fading memory – carefully packed up with the baubles and wreaths in that tattered box in the garage.  It would be quite terrible if you made this for dinner and there was eye-rolling and murmurs rippling round the table like a stationary Mexican Wave without the cheer.  Because this Roast Turkey Casserole is awesome.

I took some into the studio for a few weeks back and my co-host scarfed it down like it was his last meal.  He declared it to be like eating Chicken Pot Pie.  Without the pie bit.  Between you and me, I’m confused.  When I hear the word “casserole”, I think of a stew.  It’s the Brit in me.  So when I was newly landed on this great chunk of land and introduced to my first American casserole, I was a bit bewildered.  It was as much like a stew as a baseball cap is like a floppy straw hat.  Since then I have determined “casserole” seems to be a blanket term for anything baked in the oven in a deep dish.  Which would include lasagna, shepherd’s pie and moussaka.  Clearly not casseroles.  And then I noticed – almost without exception – the meals I’ve encountered called a “casserole” involved a can of condensed soup, which would normally find me running from the building screaming.  Truth be told, I still don’t know what a casserole really is an America, but I am going with the whole deep-dish-and-baked-in-the-oven theory, because frankly, I’ve not been able to make anything else make sense.  I think most Brits would call American casseroles a “bake”.  Except this particular recipe would definitely not be a British “bake”.  Someone piped up with the words “Chicken Pot Pie”, except it has no “pie”.  It’s more like a Quiche, but without the pastry.  Really it’s a massive omelet.  So I called it “casserole”, because for reasons that escape me entirely, it seemed the best fit.  Now we can all be confused together.

I’m going with Roast Turkey Casserole.

Leftover Turkey Casserole

This turned out to be perfect for just about every meal  you can think of – breakfast, check; lunch – check; dinner – check; snack – check.  It would not, however, be my first choice for dessert.  It is fabulous hot right out the oven, but once cold, it can easily be transported for lunch and eaten either warm or cold.  It is majorly filling, and there’s a whole bunch of veggies baked right in, so if you were not in a place where you could add some exciting sides or a glorious salad, you’d still be doing good.  Or, consider a hybrid – take this in for lunch and grab the greens from the cafe, if your work place provides one.  I find it much easier to avoid cafe insanity if I don’t make eye contact with anything other than the salad bar.

I don’t often make my recipes twice, as I am always conjuring up something new for you.  This I have made several times.  It’s (at least) 4 days worth of lunch right there – brilliant if there’s a super-busy week ahead.  Whatever you decide to call it.  I’m sticking by Roast Turkey Casserole.

Roast Turkey Casserole
Author: Carrie Brown |
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 6
  • Coconut oil spray
  • 1lb / 450g roasted turkey, chopped
  • 8 oz. / 225g leeks, finely chopped
  • 2 oz / 55g celery, finely chopped
  • 2 tsp dried sage
  • 1 cup / 8 fl oz. non-fat cottage cheese
  • 8 eggs
  • Lemon pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
  1. Spray a 7 x 11″ / 4 pint / 2 quart baking dish with coconut oil.
  2. In a bowl, mix the turkey, leeks, celery, sage and cottage cheese together.
  3. Spread the turkey mixture evenly in the baking dish.
  4. In the bowl, whisk the eggs and lemon pepper well.
  5. Pour the eggs evenly over the turkey mixture.
  6. Sprinkle the grated Parmesan evenly over the surface.
  7. Carefully place the baking dish in the oven.
  8. Bake at 375 F for 40 minutes, until the top is golden brown and a skewer poked into the middle comes out clean.
Roast Turkey Casserole


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  • MargieAnneHi.

    I’m so happy to have your Blog to read, inform, encourage and amuse me. I’m just as confused as you are about what Americans call their food because I’m a New Zealander and we are very British just don’t tell the neighbours. I’m also in love with North America so I guess I’m a bit mixed up.

    At least twice a month I make a deep frittata, baked in the oven … I know a frittata is cooked in a pan on the stove and finished under a grill but somehow these yummy deep dishes filled with eggs and spinach and lots of tasty cheese and other yummy things get called Frittata on the Cafe menus here. I’ve begun to notice that it sounds similar to something Americans call egg bake or potato egg bake etc.

    It took me a while to cotton onto the idea that a pie is a flan in U.S. too. How can we be so similar and yet so very different? No! Don’t try to answer that one. *smile*

    Love your podcasts with Jonathan Bailor too. Sooner or later I will get my head around eccentric exercise. I’m 73 and lost 60 lbs last year. I need to lose a lot more but I’m maintaining perfectly, too perfectly.

    Keep up your good work. Recipe looks yummy but turkey is a ridiculous price here so will try it sometime with chicken


    • carrieLove this, MargieAnne! Thanks for all the love :-) HUGE congrats on your progress!!!!!ReplyCancel

  • PattiThis looks so good! I pinned it to Pinterest last night and already it’s been repinned 11 times! Can’t wait to make this on Sunday! Thanks Carrie.ReplyCancel

    • carriePatti – THANK YOU for the Pinterest love! Any help in driving people here to get SANE recipes is hugely appreicated.ReplyCancel

  • KristenThank you for being an inspiration. I’ve listen to every ssos podcast. I’ve been in the fitness industry for years, a nutrition coach, and now I’m a professional dancer in Chicago and a hs dance teacher. If I could work for ssos I would! That’s how on board I am with everything you two support. Thank you again!ReplyCancel

    • carrieTHANK YOU so much for your kind words, Kristen! Happy to hear that I can be of some help.ReplyCancel

  • MatildaCarrie, this recipe is AH-MAZING! Wow just lick the plate delicious. My kids loved it too, and it was so easy.
    I did have to make some modifications. I used roast chicken instead (as turkey is not that popular in australia unfortunately, cause I love it), and I had no sage, but used mint and basil, and it worked out just as well.ReplyCancel

    • carrieYAY, Matilda!! Shame about the turkey. Funny aside…I always name my Thanksgiving turkey Matilda :-)ReplyCancel

  • susan, gran, and ajJust made this – all on our second helping! We love it!!! Excited to make more of your recipes for our gluten-free Granny while she’s here visiting! :)ReplyCancel

  • HelenMmmm Mmm Mmm! Love this. Part of me thinks I should have halved the recipe as a single girl though the (larger) part of me is happy I have this to eat for the next few days :) Thanks Carrie!ReplyCancel

    • carrieOh Helen – I love this recipe. I always make the full amount just for me and eat it for several days. It seems to taste better and better every day!ReplyCancel

  • SarahWhat a great recipe! As a single person I’m always looking for ways to use leftover turkey and chicken, this looks delicious!

    Regarding American casseroles, that’s a secret we keep pretty close. You seem like a nice person, though, so maybe this will help clear the confusion… As a life-long Midwesterner, I must first point out that the proper term is “hot dish”, not casserole. :) and yes, they’re always cooked in a casserole dish. The easiest, for newer cooks or a busy cook is (literally) throwing a bag of frozen veggies, some meat, and a can of condensed cream of mushroom soup (as a binding agent) in the casserole dish, throw it in the oven for 45 minutes at 350* and you’ll have an edible meal for a family for a few bucks. Use green beans, ground beef, cream of mushroom soup, and top with tater tots you’ll have Minnesota’s state hot dish, “Tatertot Hotdish”. If you had the luxury of learning to cook and can make a simple white sauce, you can adapt it any way you wish (my favorite is a sundried tomato sauce) and use that as the binding agent. Using fresh veggies, good meat, some great cheese, and the sky’s the limit with your Hotdish creations!ReplyCancel

  • 101 Recipes for Leftover Turkey[…] Roast Turkey Casserole » Carrie Brown | Life in the SANE lane Perfect for just about every meal you can think of – breakfast, check; lunch – check; dinner – check; snack – check. It would not, however, be my first choice for dessert. It is fabulous hot right out the oven, but once cold, […]ReplyCancel

  • LA McCartneyWe’re actually roasting a turkey today and was going to spend the day looking for new leftover ideas. I typically make a huge batch of turkey noodle soup or turkey tetrazzini. THANK YOU for the easiest decision I’ve made all week.

    One question though…why the non-fat cottage cheese?

    BTW….I’ve only been following keto WOE for 4 months, but thanks to your wonderful podcasts (my fave listening entertainment on my daily 4-5mi walks), recipes and website/FB presence, I’ve been successful in adapting my lifestyle and I’m never looking back to that carb filled life.ReplyCancel

    • carrieHi LA! You can use full-fat cottage cheese if that works with your personal goals better! If you need more fat, use full-fat, otherwise use non-fat. Hope that helps! Thanks for the podcast love! We really enjoy making them.ReplyCancel

    • MeredithThanks for asking about the cottage cheese, I was wondering a out that, too.ReplyCancel