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Copyright © Carrie Brown 2010-2024, unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved.

Vanilla Blueberry Pancakes

Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes.

I think pancakes must be the most requested thing on my low carb recipe to-do list.  I experimented with pancakes over the holidays in December, but didn’t get anywhere close to successful.  I blame being British.  In England, pancakes are only eaten once a year – funnily enough on Pancake Day – and they are what an American would call a crêpe.  We don’t do the thick, spongy pancakes that are a rite of passage for any good American’s weekend brunch plate.  The closet thing we have to those would be Scotch pancakes, and no one makes those.  And on the rare occurrence that someone does make Scotch pancakes, they eat them with butter and jam spread on them, just like toast.  They are not smothered in melting butter and syrup.  Neither are they eaten for breakfast with bacon, eggs, and hash browns.  They’re eaten at tea time.

Anyway, my point was, I grew up eating crêpes once a year.  Until I took my first trip to Canada – many moons ago – I had never eaten an American pancake.  And let me tell you, when I did, I thought it was extremely peculiar.  I was sitting in the revolving restaurant on the top of the Calgary Tower.  That’s how memorable this whole pancake affair was.  I mean, who remembers exactly where they were when they ate their first pancake?  I do – because it was such an extraordinary experience.  They brought me a plate with pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage and hash browns on it.  Plus a dish of butter and a jug of golden maple syrup.  I was clueless as to what I was supposed to do, and I was aghast that there were pancakes on the same plate as my bacon and eggs.  What were they thinking??  So I snuck a peek over at the next table and watched what they did.  I stared in horror as they poured lashings of sweet maple syrup over their pancakes and bacon.  What in the world???

I admit, I never really got over that first strange pancake experience.  There are a lot of new things I have become acquainted with since I moved stateside, and many of them I embrace wholeheartedly.  American pancakes are not one of them.  And while I am neither an American pancake lover nor an American pancake-making expert, I totally respect that they are a beloved breakfast staple in a lot of households.  So here you are: Keto Vanilla Blueberry Pancakes.  Hurrah!Vanilla Blueberry Pancakes | Carrie Brown

They are more fragile and less flexible than pancakes made from regular flour, but those fabulous blueberries – bursting with juices – keep them moist and delicious.  I am going to play with another idea to make them less fragile and more flexible, but I thought these would tide you over in the meantime.  Given that I am really not a fan of regular American pancakes, I was surprised – and a little bit giddy – that I really enjoyed eating these.

“But what about the syrup??!” I hear you cry.  That, dear readers, is a particularly good question.  I am still brainstorming that predicament.  This time I simply poured a little Sukrin Fiber Syrup over the top.  It doesn’t have the deep, amber color of maple syrup, but it adds moistness and flavor that finished these babies off rather nicely.  You could also just slide some butter over the top and call it good.  Or eat them naked.  Just don’t use the maple!  Or honey.  Or agave.Vanilla Blueberry Pancakes | Carrie Brown

Now I must warn you – these keto pancakes are super filling.  If you’re used to being able to eat an entire stack of regular pancakes, you might find yourself running out of steam at two, especially if you add some scrambled eggs and the odd piece of bacon to your plate.  I, for one, would not want to miss out on that piece of bacon.

And just a couple of cooking notes before you race off to fire up your griddle – the flip side of these keto pancakes cooks much quicker than the first side, so don’t flip them and walk away thinking you have time.  Side two goes real fast.  As you can see, mine were a little on the dark side.  Just sayin’.

Happy Pancake Weekend, everyone!


Vanilla Blueberry Pancakes
Author: Carrie Brown |
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: Makes 7
  • 2 TBSP chia seeds
  • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut
  • 1/4 cup almond flour
  • 2 oz. / 55g egg white powder
  • 3 TBSP xylitol or erythritol
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • ½ cup / 4 fl oz. Full Fat Greek yogurt
  • 4 oz / 110g fresh blueberries (or frozen, thawed and drained)
  1. Spray griddle with coconut oil and heat.
  2. Grind chia seeds, sunflower seeds and coconut in coffee grinder or high-speed blender until they are very fine (careful you don’t end up with sunflower butter!!)
  3. In a bowl put seed mix, almond flour, egg white powder, xylitol or erythritol, salt and baking powder and mix well.
  4. Add egg, vanilla extract, and yogurt and stir just until evenly mixed. Do not over mix.
  5. Using a ¼ cup as a measure, pour batter onto hot griddle.
  6. Sprinkle batter with fresh blueberries.
  7. After a minute, lift edge of pancake with a spatula to check color. When golden, flip the pancake to cook the other side.
  8. The flip side cooks faster than the first side.

Vanilla Blueberry Pancakes | Carrie Brown





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  • Julie RiderCarrie,
    These look great but once again I cannot have whey…do you think I can substitute 1 for 1 with egg white protein?ReplyCancel

    • carrieJulie – I worry that egg white powder will make these incredibly dry. Can you use casein powder?ReplyCancel

  • SigiLOL – I’m with you, Carrie. The whole idea of maple syrup and fluffy pancakes with savoury foods like bacon and eggs just Freaks. Me. Out. (Actually, I suspect that many, many other potential dining experiences in America may well freak me out too, but I really must visit some day to find out…)ReplyCancel

    • carrieYes, Sigi! Come visit!! I love it here – despite some strange foodie stuff going on :-)ReplyCancel

  • RitaI’d love to make these for my kids, but they will not eat coconut. Any suggestions for a substitution?ReplyCancel

    • carrieHi Rita – you cannot taste the coconut at all. It is there for the health benefits only, not the flavor. You can sub out with more sunflower seeds but they won’t quite as SANE. Hope that helps!ReplyCancel

  • KeriCarrie,
    (This is Keri from Downsizers) I have a simple coconut pancake recipe that my family enjoys.
    ¾ cup coconut flour
    12 eggs
    1 can (not carton) coconut milk (can’t be light or the pancakes are too runny)
    6 drops vanilla flavored stevia, optional
    1 tsp. baking soda
    Mix together, and cook like normal pancakes. They don’t flip as easily, so make them smaller.
    We serve them with roasted apples and bacon. (That’s a Dutch thing from my husband’s side of the family).ReplyCancel

  • SimoneHi Carrie,
    I’m from the UK and have only recently discovered you and Jonathan. Loving the podcasts and have just got the SSOS book. Anyway my question is does it really have to be full-fat Greek yoghurt as I usually buy the fat-free? Also can I replace the chia seeds with flaxseed? ThanksReplyCancel

    • carrieHi Simone! Welcome! Thanks for the podcast love :-) Fat-free Greek yogurt is very unstable when heated, and also you need some fat in the pancakes to stop them being dry, hence using full-fat yogurt. I have not tried it with flax instead so cannot guarantee that it will work. Flax does not absorb and hold onto liquid like chia so I would be wary of the consistency, cookability and also finished product. If I ever get a minute I will try flax out!ReplyCancel

  • alisonmade pancakes today didn’t have vanilla whey but used strawberry and no blueberries used frozen fruits of the forest.Great success my son loved them thanks Carrie for another great recipe.going to try tuna melt next yum!!ReplyCancel

    • carrieNice subs, Alison! So glad they were a success and makes me super happy when kids love my recipes. Train them to enjoy the good stuff when they’re young and they will thank you forever!!!ReplyCancel

  • JulieWe love pancakes made with 1/4 cup ground flaxseed, 1tbsp ground almonds/almond meal, 1/2tsp baking powder and 2eggs. Mix well, pour into melted coconut oil in three dollops, add ~6 blueberries in each and cook until done. Top with greek yogurt and add bacon & veg to make truly SANE (or eat alone – very filling – for a slightly less SANE but not totally inSANE) start to the day.ReplyCancel

  • RitaCarrie, I made these this morning and they were terrific. You were right, no one knew there was coconut in them! Also for those asking about using non-fat greek yogurt, I only had non-fat greek yogurt on hand, so used a whole egg instead of just an egg white and added a dash of heavy cream to add back the missing fat from the yogurt. They turned out amazing!ReplyCancel

  • JaredNot trying to be cheeky, I’m genuinely curious… why 4 Tbsp and not 1/4c?

    Is it simply an un-done conversion, or is it better to do 4 separate measurements of an item?

    Love these recipes, Carrie! Keep ’em coming.ReplyCancel

    • carrieJared – it’s an un-done conversion. When I create recipes I start off with smaller amounts of some things and add as needed as the recipe progresses. Here I added 1+1+1+1 from my worksheet and wrote 4 tbsp instead of 1/4 cup :-) Bad Carrie!ReplyCancel

  • JaredThanks, Carrie! That totally makes sense.

    On a side note, my kiddos are munching these down as we speak. They love them! Lots of smiles and audible “yums”. :-)ReplyCancel

  • KerryThe lemon curd would be nice on these. :oDReplyCancel

  • JamieOk so I just tried this as my first experiment with making SANE recipes and I must say they were excellent! Very glad that I made two batches of the dry mix now!

    My other half is really fussy when it comes to food but they were gobbled down before I could blink!

    Thanks for the great recipe!ReplyCancel

    • carrieWelcome to SANEity, Jamie! Congrats on your first SANE recipe success! :-)ReplyCancel

  • LuannCarrie, Thanks for doing all the work and sharing with us! I’m so tired of my own boring meals and missing a lot of my old favorites. With your SANE ingredients, I can have the kinds of foods I thought I’d never be able to eat again. Keep them coming…..PLEASE! With gratitude, LuannReplyCancel

    • carrieHi Luann – I am so happy these recipes are helping you to stay SANE!!! You can do it!!ReplyCancel

  • SandyThis is way hard for me to eat this way because I am very allergic to nuts. Any ideas for me? I also am allergic to chicken eggs, can eat duck eggs, but limit the quantity. Is really possible for me to eat the SANE way?ReplyCancel

  • Lemon Sauce » Carrie Brown | Living a SANE Life[…] unwhipped heavy (double) cream.  It would even make a wonderful alternative to syrup on your SANE Vanilla Blueberry Pancakes.  Try it over a bowl of fresh, ripe, sliced peaches.  Mmmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm.  When I {ever} […]ReplyCancel

  • Protein Pancakes | Sparked Living[…] – 1/3 cup coconut flour – 1 egg – 2 heaping tablespoons natural cocoa Not a chocolate fan?  Try this recipe for vanilla blueberry […]ReplyCancel

  • MarygraceHello Carrie!

    So excited to be eating SANEly for 2 weeks. Bought the book and enjoying many recipes. I ate RAW for 2 1/2 years about 8 years ago, and felt fantastic, however, I missed eating meat and warm foods. This lifestyle fits the bill for me and I am so excited I am telling everyone I know about it.

    I’m writing because I am frustrated while making your pancake recipes. What is the secret to get these great tasting cakes to flip without falling apart. The flavor is awesome, however, they are mush piles instead of lovely round pancakes.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    • carrieHi Marygrace – without more info it’s hard to diagnose. You are the first person who has mentioned that they don’t get nice round pancakes. I wish I could help but not sure what the problem is without more info on what you’re using and what you’re doing.ReplyCancel

  • Mikai was wondering why these pancakes were on the saltier side (they seriously tasted like kettle corn popcorn with the sweetness and saltiness)—turns out I accidentally used BAKING SODA instead of baking powder (booo me). Lesson learned.ReplyCancel

    • carrieOoops, Mika! But kettle corn popcorn isn’t so bad a taste is it?!ReplyCancel

  • MeganI know why mine were a hot mess. I didn’t have blueberries so I thawed some frozen strawberries. Instead of adding them on top, I thought it would be easier to mix them in the batter, juice and all. When I went to flip, it was disastrous. I managed as best I could and asked my boys to try them anyway. They loved them! Thanks for this recipe and next time, I’ll follow your directions!!ReplyCancel

    • carrieLOL, Megan. The most important thing is that your boys loved them! :-)ReplyCancel

  • SofieHi Carrie! I’ve tried alot of your recipies with great results but I didn’t enjoy these :( They were way too sweet for me and my husband! Also, I had a super hard time to flip them! the consistensy of the batter in the pan was like really frail rubber, and I couldn’t flip them until they had been in the pan for about 3 mins and then they were all black, even though I had the stove set on very low! So they tasted like burnt sugar. :( I wont be doing them again, Ill just stick to your other recepies.ReplyCancel

    • carrieHi Sofie – I am sorry this didn’t work out for you. I am not sure what went wrong as there were trialed multiple times before I published by me and others with great success :-(ReplyCancel

  • DonnaWould it be possible for you to include the nutrition on your recipes? I am T1 diabetic and need to count those carbs. Made these pancakes this morning for the first time and found them quite good. They sure brown up compared to regular pancakes.ReplyCancel

  • JudyHi Carrie, I have a suggestion for a wonderful syrup. I took your pecan pie recipe from the Eat Smarter! Holidays, made the syrup for the filling down to just before the eggs, added a little maple flavoring and Hey Presto! Delicious sweet maple syrup! The butter kept separating out at first, but a few seconds with my frother and the glycerin went to work and kept it incorporated. I ended up using it for all kinds of things.ReplyCancel

  • AnnjaShould the batter spread a bit by itself? Mine doesn’t: I need to form it into a disc with my hands. My batter is like cookie dough. If it should spread: what can I do best?ReplyCancel

    • carrieYes, it pours. You must have measured something wrong so it came out too thick.ReplyCancel

  • Carol ZupkasHi. I’m doing JB’s SANE Solution eating for health plan. So happy to get to know you too. I made the pancakes and my batter was quite thick. Couple of questions: Do you measure the seeds before or after grinding? Do you know how many Tblsp or tsp egg whites? Finally, how would I rate two pancakes – number of servings Protein, Whole Food Fats and Fruit? I thinned the batter with some coconut milk and they were delish!!! Thank you ;)ReplyCancel