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How To Cook Pork Chops (+ VIDEO!)

I thought I knew how to cook pork chops, and I expect you did, too.  But I also expect that you, like me, were almost always disappointed with your pork chops when you were done cooking them.  Because pork chops have this tendency to end up dry, and dry is not the best attribute for pork chops.  I’d had half a lifetime of dry pork chops, until the day I read an article in my Therapist’s office and discovered that there’s just 6 sweet little words between us and pork chop perfection.

Read the story behind How To Cook Pork Chops, have a good giggle, and then come back for the recipe so you, too, can have the juiciest pork chops of your life.  You can also listen to us talking pork chops on the Pork Chop Episode on our podcast! (Be prepared to laugh).

How To Cook Pork Chops | Carrie Brown

THAT, is a perfect pork chop, people.  Perfectly cooked, perfectly juicy, perfectly perfect.

So what’s the 6 word secret?

Do not heat the pan first.

Or, put another way:

Start with a stone cold pan.

That’s it.  THAT, ladies, gentlemen, and pork chop lovers the world over, is the secret to pork chop nirvana.  A cold pan.

So grab yourself some pork chops and hurry up over to your stove and getting cooking, now you know how to cook pork chops.  Chop, chop!

How To Cook Pork Chops

Author: Carrie Brown | Prep time:  0 mins   |   Cook time:  10 mins    |   Total time:  10 mins   |   Serves: 1 chop per person

What You Need

  • Pork chops (No, I didn’t use fancy schmancy organic, grass-raised pork chops from rainbow-grunting pigs fed on truffles and warm milk, and housed in heated apartments with running water and duck-down mattresses.  I used regular pork chops from the regular grocery store.  Actually they were really cheap regular pork chops from the grocery store.  And they were awesome.)

What You Do

  1. Remove the skillet or pan from the cupboard.
  2. Place the cold pork chops in the skillet.
  3. Place the skillet on the cold stove.
  4. Turn the heat on medium.
  5. Cook for 3 minutes. Do not touch them. Walk away if you have to.
  6. Turn them over and sear them with a spatula.
  7. Cook for 3 minutes. Do not touch them. Walk away if you have to.
  8. Turn them over and sear them with a spatula.
  9. Cook for 2 minutes. Do not touch them. Walk away if you have to.
  10. Turn them over and sear them with a spatula.
  11. Cook for 1 minute. Do not touch them. Walk away if you have to.
  12. Turn them over and sear them with a spatula.
  13. Cook for 1 minute. Wait there. They’re almost done.
  14. NOTE: Cooking time will vary dependent on thickness of your chops and whether they have a bone in. Mine were bone-in 1″ thick chops. They are done when they are perfectly browned on both sides.
  15. Slide onto plates.
  16. Watch in awe as a few minutes later the juices start to ooze out the sides.
  17. Eat the juiciest pork chop you’ve ever had in your life.

Top Recipe Tips

  • To sear means to press down firmly with a heavy object. In this case, the heavy object is your arm, with a spatula between you and the meat.
  • Everything should be cold when you start – the chops, the pan, the stove.
  • You really do not need any oil or fat before you start cooking. If you like you can add butter once they’re on your plate for added flavor.

Helpful Cooking and Recipe Links

Podcast Episodes

How To Cook Pork Chops | Carrie Brown

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  • EllenYum! I used this recipe (or your earlier version) on thinner cut bone-in pork chops earlier this week and they were fabulous. It is so hard to believe that getting a perfectly tender and juicy chop is so darn easy. Probably one of my favorites!ReplyCancel

  • Kim in MNI tried this method of cooking my chops tonight, and was pleasantly surprised at how quickly they cooked. They were tender, flavorful, and best of all, minimal spattering to clean up afterwards. Winner!ReplyCancel

  • Kristen MadeleyAaarrgh, I forgot to sear after each turn and so I ended up overcooking the chops waiting for them to brown :-(ReplyCancel

  • KimAre you using a gas or electric stove? I’m assuming the time would be longer for the first turning if using an electric stove?? Any guess as to how long? Thank you!ReplyCancel

    • DellaI’d like an answer here too ?ReplyCancel

    • carrieI started using this method on an electric cooktop. More recently I use a propane cooktop, but my first 100+ times of cooking them this way was on an electric cooktop.ReplyCancel

  • Mary BarrI heard about this on a 2 Keto Dudes podcast. These directions are simple, very easy to follow, and it was indeed the most juicy and delicious pork chop. Thank you!!ReplyCancel

  • Orange Thyme Sheet Pan Pork Chops (Members) - The Real Carrie Brown[…] In the spirit of giving you fast, simple, easy dinners that are also super-delicious and budget friendly I bring you Orange Thyme Sheet Pan Pork Chops. If your pork chops often turn out dry, tough, and mostly flavorless, prepare to fall in love with pork chops again after downing these. If you haven’t already fallen head-over-heels with these now infamous Pork Chops. […]ReplyCancel

  • Parmesan Bacon Frittata - The Real Carrie Brown[…] a side salad or other veg, it can serve 4. You could even serve it as a side to a steak or a plain pork chop! In this instance it could easily serve 6 or even […]ReplyCancel

  • CarolynWhat a pleasure it is to eat a juicy pork chop. The recipe works well as written, but I’ve added a step that makes it even juicier:;let the meat rest for seven minutes before eating.ReplyCancel

  • KarenQuestion. When I tried to flip them early on, the meat did not want to release and stuck to the pan.  With chicken, my understanding is to wait until they release before flipping them over.  Is sticking what I should expect?  Or am I supposed to oil either the chop or the pan before starting?  Please advise.  Thanks!ReplyCancel