Freshly laid sod looks so healthy.
Until it doesn’t. My sister-in-law moved into a new house, and her “instant lawn” looked really great. Then soon, one patch wasn’t doing so well. We stood over it talking through all the things she’d tried. They should have worked. There was nothing more we could do but start with a new chunk of sod.
When my husband walked over the patch, we heard this crunch. Huh?
Under the sod was a flattened plastic bottle. The landscapers dropped it and then laid the sod, rolled it, flattened it just as they should, but they didn’t bother to pick up debris. This section had been pressed down like all the others, but it could not connect to the ground.
Making Connections
We know how to connect to a nutrition plan. We buy programs, pills, and potions – even healthy food plans. Perhaps, we even weed out from our kitchen all the trigger foods and replace them with nutritionally dense foods.
Yet there still may be something between us and that plan, something we leave casually under the surface that we either cannot or will not get rid of. What is it for you?
Is it a specific food or drink we will not deny ourselves?
Is it a guilty pleasure we use to soothe ourselves?
Is it a “weedy” thought we just can’t eradicate?
Is it a portion size or a food that we’re a little sensitive to that we refuse to extract?
Is it a situation of which we will not take control, avoid, or otherwise manage?
Bottled Up Barrier
Something has been rolled and flattened under your surface, and you may not even know it’s there until someone steps on it. Maybe it’s something you’ve chosen, maybe you got stuck with it, maybe someone didn’t care enough to get you started well. Whatever the case, something is between you and your source of life or life quality.
You reason that you’re protecting yourself, guarding against being trapped or overtaken. However, that “protection” is keeping you from what you need to survive, thrive, and be whom you were meant to be. The removal may be a little painful, but there’s life in exchange.
Renée Jones is a counselor and coach specializing in overcoming emotional eating. After 40 years on the Diet Yo-Yo, she struggled to find what worked for her while emotional eating sabotaged every attempt. When she finally overcame that emotional eating to lose her weight, maintenance on a low-fat diet left her tired, hungry, and cranky. In April of 2015, she found the ketogenic lifestyle and later Carrie Brown’s recipes, which freed her from the Diet Yo-Yo and dark mood swings.
Now she helps others get free of their emotional eating and other baggage so their hearts can heal along with their bodies. She has a Master’s degree in Counseling with certifications in both traditional and contemporary models as well as Horse-Assisted and relaxation methods. She has an international counseling and coaching practice.
Author of What’s Really Eating You: Overcome the Triggers of Comfort Eating
Connect with Renée!