I love Cheesy Scones. LOVE. I grew up eating my mother’s. She was the Cheesy Scones Bomb. I used to grate the cheese for her – thick, yellow shavings of mature cheddar cheese – lovingly grated into a bowl, minus a few fingerfuls that ended up in my mouth. I think cheese scones may be one of the reasons why cheese and I have such a deep and meaningful relationship; it started at a very young age, while I was sitting on the kitchen counter-top swinging my legs and grating cheese. It think my mother’s cheese scones may also be the explanation for why my favorite line in the book, The Calorie Myth, is, “Eat as much cheese as you need to stay happy”. I love that boy; and especially when I am eating cheese.
One of my favorite things to eat growing up involved my mother’s cheesy scones. I’d cut a scone in half, butter it and pile salad ingredients – lettuce, cucumber and tomato – in between. Like a salad sandwich made with a cheese scone. Wowzer.
With all this soup I’ve been making for you, and requests for more pouring in daily, there’s been a lot of soup slip-sliding down my throat lately. When you make soup for 6 and there’s only one of you, well, that’s a lot of soup. The upside is I had lunches pre-made for two whole weeks. The downside to gallons of soup? I do miss eating a large chunk of baguette swathed in butter at the same time. So I started thinking about grain-free breads and began scouring cook books, which is a little perturbing given that I have a degree in Baking. It’s really been a very long time since I baked. Somewhere during that scouring process I got waylaid by a cheese scone recipe, and then I could not, for the life of me, get the thought of a warm, buttered, cheese scone out of my head. Some things are just not easy, you know.
Before I dive right into the cheesy goodness that is headed your way, let’s take a moment to talk about nomenclature, since we have a very diverse and plentiful number of cultures between us, and I don’t want anyone to be confused. When I say “scone” I am talking in British. If I were talking in American I would say “biscuit” when referring to what I just called a scone. To make things more complicated – or interesting – Americans also have scones, and the Brits also have biscuits. British biscuits, Americans call cookies. American scones, the British also call scones. And here’s wherein lies the easiest way to define them. In England, scones can be sweet or savory. In America, sweet ones are called scones and savory ones are called biscuits. Thus, this recipe is for a British scone and an American biscuit. I hope we got that straight. It would be awful if you did not end up with what you were anticipating.
I was so excited this morning after I popped my first batch in the oven and saw them rising, I literally did the happy dance in my lounge. The “kids” eyed me suspiciously. I didn’t care. My podcast co-host would be proud – there was an inordinate amount of arm flailing going down. I am, however, thankful that it was not being recorded. It’s the little things.
Now, back to the Cheesy Scones (biscuits). I pulled them out of the oven and nearly cried when I cut one open, steam swirling out, and slapped some butter across the surface. It looked exactly like the innards of my mother’s cheese scones. Then I took a bite.

ATTENTION! I am interrupting this broadcast to bring you a short Public Service Announcement.
Before we get started on your first grain-free baking recipe from the Life in the Sane Lane HQ kitchen, we need to talk. Just like losing fat is science, so is baking; and quite an exact one. I have observed since I moved stateside that a lot of American food is more assembly than actual cooking or baking. Hence the American cup system – it’s easy and it’s fast. What it is not, is accurate. And that does not really matter for recipes that fall into the assembly category – like this – where if you are a little over or under on any ingredient there will be no material change in the outcome. But – and it’s a BIG but – it matters when it comes to baking.
I will not be obnoxious and pushy about many things, but I IMPLORE you – if you are going to do this KETO / LowCarb baking, please avail yourself of a scale if you don’t already have one. They are not expensive. I have this one and it’s awesome. Cups measure volume, therefore, no two cupfuls of almond flour, for example, will weigh the same. And therefore you will get different results every time because the ratio of ingredients in baking (where’s there wet and dry ingredients and heat involved) matters. Sometimes they might work out just fine, and other times, well, not so much.
I will deliberately be writing the baking recipes using weights for the dry ingredients. If you choose to try and convert those weights into cups, do not tell me the recipe does not work. Also, if you ask me whether “this” can be substituted for “that”, I probably won’t know. I can take a stab and guess, but without making and testing it, I can’t tell you for sure. And my recipes are for sure. Feel free to substitute away if you feel the need, but if you choose to do that, don’t then tell me my recipe does not work.
I don’t make stuff up without testing before I share them with you. They work – if you follow them. If you want these to come out right, and you want them to come out right every single time, use weights, not cups for dry ingredients.
And now, for anyone still with me, you deserve Cheesy Scones (Biscuits). Ones that are indistinguishable from their wheat-flour cousins. Here they are.
Eat, love, slim.

ladyp1234Hi Carrie,
I’m really grateful for all your recipes; I’m not really enjoying most of the food I’m eating on SSoS so will be trying lots of your ideas. However, I’m nervous using all the unusual (to me) ingredients like stevia, the other sweetener you use, and now xanthum gum. I’ve just about come to terms with whey protein and milled flax seeds (though not the taste), am about to order some almond flour and maybe chia seeds, but am stalling at the others. Can you give me any encouragement?!
carrieHi Lady P! I am working hard to make recipes that are as “normal” for people as possible, and not feel like strange “health” food. Great nutrition shouldn’be hard or complicated! You can leave out the xanthum gum in this recipe (it is a crumb stabilizer) but the texture will not be quite the same. Xylitol is as much like sugar as you can get – I find it easier to use than Stevia, which looks and sweetens differently to Xylitol. Buy some xylitol, put it in a jar on your counter and you won’t know the difference, except in your waistline 😉 These small changes and addition of a few new items will have such a hugely beneficial result for you I am sure you’ll be glad you got on board. Let me know how I can help!
NancyOMG! I made these for dinner and they are a fabulous treat. I was doubtful about the almond flour and xanthum gum but no more. These cheese scones are incredibly satisfying.
NancyDang, meant to rate the recipe…
carrieNancy – so happy you loved them! I lost count of how many I ate over the weekend while I was perfecting the recipe! Good job they’re SANE 🙂
TaraI’m looking forward to making these! I get my almond meal at Trader Joe’s – any advice on where to get almond flour? What is the difference between the two?
carrieHi Tara – Almond Flour is made with blanched almonds (skins removed) and Almond Meal is made from unblanched almonds (skins on). Meal in this recipe will give you a different texture and throw the ratio of dry to liquid off. I get my Almond Flour online, but Bob’s Red Mill make it, which you can find in most grocery stores. PCC also have it. The bulk bins in whole food stores would a be a good place. Assume you are in the states?! In the UK, this is ground almonds and you can get them in any supermarket. Hope that helps!
GabyCarrie, did u use whole milk? just wondering, thanks!
carrieI did! If I use cow’s milk, I always use whole. You could use coconut milk instead if you prefer.
ladyp1234Thanks very much for the reply. I saw stevia in Tesco today so picked that up as it was there but will order some xylitol and xanthum gum. Chia seeds have arrived so I can try some of the breakfasts now. And I didn’t realise that almond flour is the same as ground almond – I even have that in the cupboard already. Chopping cucumber for the soup now….! Thanks
carrieOh, Tesco! How I miss you, Tesco!! Yes, almond flour = ground almonds in the UK. I love that soup – let me know how you like it 🙂
NancyI learned something about the xanthum gum. I bought a package of Bob’s Redmill from Whole Foods and some spilled on the counter. Don’t wipe it with a wet rag! Dry wipe it first, otherwise you get a big goopy mess.
carrieOoops! Yes, I need to write a post about the technicalities of some of these new ingredients. Sorry I didn’t get to that sooner! We love xanthan for it’s goopiness!!! Just not on the counter 😉
NatashaWhew, these must be delicious because that was one srsly pushy post. Some garlic and onion powder would probably make them even better, but I’m afraid to make suggestions around here that veer from the recipe. 😉
carrieOH, Natasha! How I miss your sarcastic sass in my life!!! We need to chuad it. PS. Veer away – as long as you don’t blame me if your veeering has you off track 🙂 Love you!!!
DebFound Almond Flour at Whole Foods – Redmond, WA and at Vitamin Life in Redmond, WA. Also, picked up Chia seeds, Xanthum gum, Stevia, Xylitol and Cocoa Nibs at Vitamin Life in Redmond, WA. Yay! I can start trying some of the recipes now! Yum:)
carrieThere are not many “new” things to make your pantry SANE, but it looks like you found the main ones – congrats!!! Let me know how you get on – excited to hear about your journey, Deb!
DebThanks, will do! I am going to make the Cheesy Scones tonight! They will be great with our lamb. I am really looking forward to trying them. Heading out now to Uwajimaya to get the ingredients for Tom Ka Gai soup or Thai Coconut Chicken soup. Haven’t had it in a long time and it is a great sane soup. Thanks for all the great recipes! Looking forward to the Cheesy Cauliflower!! 🙂
carrieThe Cauliflower Cheese is coming on Wednesday! Yum 🙂 Would love to make your Tom Ka Gai.
LillyOne word: heaven. These are delicious. I ate one hot with butter right out of the oven, then later used another to make a turkey sandwich with tomato and spinach. This recipe is just what I needed 🙂 Thanks Carrie, keep ’em coming!
carrieYAY! Thanks, Lilly! I love that you used them for “bread” to make sadnwiches – I did the same thing and they were fabulous 🙂
JulieSo tasty. Just made these to go with the califlower leek soup I made earlier in the day (amazing!). Mine are shaped like trees because I do not own any round cutters. And part way through I realized I only had 1 5/8 oz of butter so I added a little olive oil in with the milk. Turned out great! Thank you! (Next time I will use the correct amount of butter :))
carrieWe love trees! I wish I had tree-shaped cutters 🙂 PS. We like butter better than milk 😉
ShawnaOMG…you are right. I do need these in my life!! Good Job Carrie!!
carrie:-))) You will love the Orange Cranberry Scones coming up soon then, Shawna!!
Karen KettnerThese are wonderful! My chef husband could not stop eating them? They are great with all sorts of sane foods.
carrieThanks, Karen, and YAY for approving Chef Husbands!!!
Baking spree « Lipomachia[…] I made cheesy scones from the wonderful recipe at this marvelous blog (Carrie is a devotee of the SANE diet proposed by […]
JulieWould you mind sharing your site for ordering almond flour online? I would love to find it more cheaply than whole foods! (~10.50/lb). Just made my 2nd batch today. Thanks!
carriehttp://store.honeyvillegrain.com/blanchedalmondflour25lb.aspx Half the price! I store it in the freezer and keep a jar in the kitchen, which I top up form the freezer when it gets low so I never have to wait for it to thaw. I also buy almond meal here, even cheaper. Store that in the freezer also. Hope that helps!
NancyWhole Foods has almond flour in the bulk section right now for $4.99/lb.
carrieGo stock up!!! THANKS, Nancy!
NancieI’m wondering about the powdered egg white. I don’t keep that on hand (though I do have xanthan gum as someone who avoids gluten when possible). I’m not even sure where to get it. Would it be possible to use real egg white and skip the other milky liquid? Your response to Gaby brings me to another question–I made a luscious pumpkin flan and was wondering whether I could substitute coconut milk for condensed cow’s milk.
carrieHi Nancie – I’ll email you! THANKS for stopping by.
ColleenHey Carrie, do you have any thoughts on using this for pie crust? I’m looking for a SANE savory pie crust (like for quiche), but I don’t think I’d want the baking powder. What do you think?
Joy PowersAmazing, simply wonderful. About the only food I miss on SSoS is bread products of any sort. These scone/biscuits totally fill the gap. I had to freeze some to avoid eating the whole batch while still warm from the oven. BTW I’m baking at 7400 feet elevation, and the outcome was perfect, so no need to adjust for high altitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you Carrie.
carrieJoy, THANK YOU so much for stopping by and for your kind words. I really appreciate your support!
HopefullySaneJaneThank you for these Carrie. They were great, simple and surprizingly filling. So filling in fact that eating my out standing portions of vegetables was a little tricky (lesson learned).
I’m new to SSoS but have been wheat free (well free-ish) for two years. Therefore I allready had almond flour, Xanthum gum and five other types of non-wheat flour. The point of saying this is while most of the gluten free scones I’ve made were complicated multi component affairs these were simpler and better tasting!
carrieYAY, SaneJane!!! I love this. My goal is to make things as simple and easy as possible while making them as tasty as anything you’ve ever eaten. It makes me so happy when people tell me I achieved that :-))
Orange Cranberry Scones » Carrie Brown | Marmalade and Mileposts[…] the raging success of those Cheesy Biscuits (Scones) I offered up to you a while back, I thought you might like a sweeter, more dessert-like option; […]
Top 10 SANE Recipes of 2012 » Carrie Brown | Marmalade and Mileposts[…] 3. Cheesy Scones […]
Leek and Pear Soup » Carrie Brown | Marmalade and Mileposts[…] you’re in for a lovely sweet, leeky surprise. Serve it up with those delicious Cheesy Biscuits and you won’t miss those potatoes for a […]
Spiced Cauliflower Soup » Carrie Brown | Marmalade and Mileposts[…] filling. It is creamy and comforting like potato soup; and it would go brilliantly with those Cheesy Biscuits we all got so excited about the other […]
The Monday Memo #3 » Carrie Brown | Marmalade and Mileposts[…] Cheesy Scones (Biscuits) – yes. Yes you really can eat these. […]
PipHi Carrie, I love there scones. They are brilliant. I have been using them as a bread substitute and thinking about not putting in the cheese. Do you think I should replace it with an equal weight of butter?
carrieHi Pip – just leave the cheese out, they’ll be fine 🙂
SarahI’m so sad! I just used the last of my almond flour to make these, and they have a really unbearable chemical aftertaste. I accidentally used baking soda instead of baking powder. I didn’t even realize I’d done it until I tasted them. 🙁
carrieOH NO, Sarah :-(((( So sorry.
Johnny PappasI have modified this recipe and changed the milk to 2/3 of a cup of Greek Yogurt and 1/4 cup of water.
carrieNice, Johnny!
SarahThanks, Carrie! Alas, this is what happens when I’m not paying close enough attention. But I am looking forward to trying them again when I get more honeyville almond flour. Also, Carrie, have you ever thought about doing video tutorials of some of your recipes? It’s obviously more work for you, but I think they’d be a real hit!
carrieSarah – I have thought about videos a lot, but cna’t keep up with the load I have right now 🙁 It will happen – just can’t tell you when.
Ladyp1234Love these!
carrieMe too, Lady P, me too!
allisolThe good news is that these are amazing. I’m gluten free so it’s been a long time since I’ve had something that can accompany soup or chili quite so nicely.
The bad news is that almonds make my little digestive system unhappy. Lots of stinky tooting going on around here. I read online that it’s a common response to almonds.
So if you make these for the first time you might start slow and not eat three in one sitting. Your family will appreciate it. 🙂
carrieAllisol – I wonder if it will calm down as Mr. Gut gets used to the higher quantity of almonds coming down the pipe?
allisolCarrie, yes, I’m thinking so. I have two biscuits here and I can’t figure out which way to use them. With eggs? As hamburger buns? Not sure but the subsequent ah… fragrance … will be worth it tonight. My gut does tend to freak out at new things and then adjust better as I insist that I am not giving up. And I have been slacking on my probiotic so if I can get that happening again we might all have a chance.
GraceWow!!!! Have just made these scones…. fabulous!!
Thank u
carrieThanks, Grace!! SO happy yoiu loved them!
CrisAt our house recipes are rated as either a memory or a tradition. These deserve to become a tradition. They are a m a z i n g. Being a southern girl, it’s hard to live without biscuits. Thanks, Carrie!
carrieAwww, Cris…humbled and honored to become part of your family tradition!!
Jennifer HHi Carrie, I am about to make these scones for the second time. I’m wondering about your instructions to roll the dough 3/4 inch thick. This seems SUPER thick to me, and I would have ended up with only about 3 scones to bake up because I felt that thickness would have used up all the dough. I ended up rolling to 1/4 inch thick and baking 10 scones. Can you weigh in on this dilemma?
I just replaced my baking powder because I think it had expired; the scones did not rise but were still edible and great with butter and jam on top. The scones have allowed me to stay off bread completely this week and are a filling breakfast or dessert. Thanks for all you do to keep us SANE.
carrieHi Jennifer! The only other variable that you have not mentioned is the diameter of the scones. You must be making scones that are much bigger across – which is fine! They’re your scones, you can make them wahtever size you want!! Sometimes I make huge ones and use them like bread for sandwixhs 🙂 Hope that helps! I am thrilled that they helped you stay completely off bread – awesome job, Jennifer!
Jennifer HHi Carrie – Just preheating the oven now. Thanks for your response!
I don’t have a biscuit cutter so used the edge of a small water glass to form the scones. It is 2.5 inch diameter. Sorry I did not include this info before (duh!). This seemed roughly scone/biscuit sized to me, but perhaps it really was too large. I would love to know the diameter of your cutter if it’s not too much trouble.
Thanks for the encouragement. 🙂 Jennifer.
carrieHi Jennifer – I have a whole set of round cutters and honestly cannot remember which one I used last. However, now you told me you used a glass…that likely solves at least part of your no-rise issue. Glass doesn’t “cut” through the dough like a metal cutter and the sides being dragged down will actually help prevent the scones from rising. Same goes for plastic cutters. Metal is best. You can also cut them into squares with a sharp knife for something different.
Jennifer HThat is so enlightening! A metal biscuit cutter I shall purchase. I would never have figured that out on my own — thank goodness for your pastry chef training. Second batch also did not rise much, but were even more delicious! Thanks again. Jennifer.
carrieYay for metal biscuit cutters! 🙂
SusanMade these to go with my soup creation — pumpkin w/ham. They are delish. Got to use my jam tart cutter… Hmmmm now there is a recipe you need to perfect…jam tarts….
Keep up the great work. I now always have a batch of your muffins in the freezer for when my bread tooth calls.
BTW I made a chocolate zucchini bread using almond butter and xylitol instead of the honey called for in a Paleo-ish recipe. Delicious. Thank you for turning me on to xylitol…you can use it in a lot of the Paleo recipes out there in place of whatever sweetener (honey,agave, etc) they call for.
carrieAh, jam tarts 🙂 My list is very long…..!
GordonHi Carrie. Are these the scones to use with the strawberry jam and clotted cream (minus cheese)?
carrieHi Gordon – yes you could use these minus the cheese, although I will have a better plain scone recipe up soon. This will tide you over in the meantime! Did you see my SANE Strawberry Jam recipe? Gah I miss clotted cream!!!
Emily DoveThese are the most delicious biscuits I’ve ever tasted. Ever. I can’t wait to make them, this year, for our family Thanksgiving. My in-laws will freak!!!
carrieYo, Emily! Your first SANE thing! I am so excited! 🙂
Megan HillCarrie,
These biscuits are delicious! I love making miniatures to snack on (and to have a hope at portion control!). I’ve made them probably 8 times now, but this time I was craving Cheese Straws, so I added some cayenne pepper, fresh garlic and extra cheese, and a little lemon juice. They tasted like the delicious southern staple, Cheese Straws, but in mini-biscuit form. Thank you so much for your well-crafted recipes!
My only problem is that every time I’ve made them, my biscuits don’t brown on top like yours—even after 14 minutes. Is your oven a professional oven or do you use convection? Could my cookie sheet be too thick?
Many thanks,
carrieFantastic idea, Megan! What milk are you using to glaze? If you are using a nut milk, try glazing with a beaten egg instead. That will work!
DannaOh Gawd. Thank you, thank you for the scones.
Will be making these tomorrow.
I am a huge fan of the podcast. I have been eating paleo/sane for several months now, and really really miss scones. I heard them mentioned in an earlier podcast I was listening to today and had to check them out. Thanks for clarifying the American “biscuit” thing. As a Kiwi, I was somewhat confused!
carrieDanna – thanks for all the podcast and cheese scone love!!! Hope you loved them 🙂
Raye1702These are easy to make and WONDERFUL. The texture is amazing.
carrieI never get tired of eating these, Raye!
MatildaI first made these about 3 months ago (around the time you posted them. I can’t believe that I have posted my thoughts on these yet.
Let me tell you when I made these for the 1st time I took them as ‘afternoon tea’ for run club (we all have to bring a plate). I wasn’t sure if people would like them, so I also brought a small plate of mini muffins. Let me tell you these were a winner. I ended up with only 2 left! (Out of about 30 that came out of my batch). They were a huge hit! As for the mini muffins, well only 1 was eaten. So just goes to show that these were a huge hit.
Today I made these scones (a half batch) again (as well as the protein bars), and I forgot how much love them.
They have the right amount of savouriness, and go smashing with olive tapenade.
carrieMatilda – I too just love these, and every time I make them I am reminded just how much!
Catherine Elgie-PetersHi Carrie I made these yesterday and they were absolutely delicious. Topped them with butter, grated cheese and slices of Avo. Super delicious. I didnt have xanthum gum and they were still delicious. I have managed to find the Xanthum gum now so will add that next time. This will definitely be a staple in my life now.
carrieCatherine – thanks for the Cheesy Biscuit love! The xanthan gum will not alter the flavor but it will help to strength and improve the texture.
Donna WolfThese cheesy biscuits are as wonderful as Carrie says! I’ve made them several times to go with the soups (from her soup cook book). My Mom is even impressed – she loves her bread!! I read Natasha’s post about adding garlic and onion powder. What a good idea! I think I will try that the next time – just for the fun of it. Thanks Carrie for all of your hard work and awesome recipes that are so tasty that I don’t even feel cheated. I love working at being SANE!
carrieYay, Donna! Just say No to feeling cheated!!
The Skinny On SANE Baked Goods And Other Treats » Carrie Brown | Living a SANE Life[…] Not necessarily, especially when you eat them on their own. Remember that *SANEity focuses on protein, fiber and water. My recipes are all wheat-, grain-, unhealthy fat-, and sugar-free, so they are a HUGE step forward in the health and SANEity stakes, but they generally contain a relatively large amount of nuts and seeds, which are lower down the SANEity scale than non-starchy veggies and good sources of protein. It’s worth repeating the PSA I wrote in my first SANE baked goods post: Cheesy Scones (Biscuits): […]
CrisWe’ve been eating these for months and LOVE them. Tonight I made the normal recipe, added a bit more milk and dropped them on a cookie sheet with a small ice cream/cookie scoop. When they came out of the oven I painted them with garlic butter and parsley. They tasted just like Red Lobster Biscuits! They were to die for!
Thank you Carrie!
carrieOMG, the highest praise EVER!!! “They tasted just like Red Lobster Biscuits”.
PipHi Carrie, I made a batch of these a while back and stuck some of them in the freezer. I just noticed most of them were missing. I said to my (inSANE) husband “have you been eating these? What do you think they are?” “Sugar free scones?”
He hadn’t noticed that they are grain free too. You’re brilliant, Carrie. Pip
carrieHA! Pip – you caught him red-handed!! And love, love, love that he didn’t realize they were grain-free. My work here is done! 🙂
Cheesey Scone / Biscuits - Run Mum[…] not about ‘wheat’ scones though. It’s about Cheesey Scones. To be more precise Carrie Browns Cheesey Scone / Biscuits. These scones are super simple to make, and are deliciously buttery. They are very melt in your […]
HelenI made these over Xmas here in Wales, UK, and wanted to say how mega tasty they were!! I love looking through your recipes and listening to you and Jonathan on your podcasts. Everything you guys talk about makes total sense so thank you thank you thank you!! The best discovery I’ve ever made especially as I’ve just started studying nutrition as a ”mature” student! Keep coming up with wonderfully tasty and super healthy recipes Carrie!! :-))
GTLI am not a baker. Here is my question: Do I measure the ounces of flour on a scale or in a measuring cup?
carrieOunces need to be measured on a kitchen scale. Cup conversions will give you poor and inconsistent results!
Top 10 SANE Recipes 2013 » Carrie Brown | Life in the SANE lane[…] Cheesy Scones (Biscuits) […]
LaVonne dodsonWhen weighing almond flour made from ground almonds (as opposed to commercially prepared flour) do you weigh the almonds, then grind, or after the almonds have been ground. Or is there any difference?
carrieHi LaVonne! If you are measuring by weight it doesn’t matter whether you weigh whole nuts or almond flour. If you are measuring by volume it makes a huge difference – which is one of the reasons that I insist on measuring by weight 🙂 Hope that helps!
mariskaHi, Can I make the scones whit out the cheese?
I will use them for breakfast with jam and clothed cream.
Greetz Mariska
carrieYes, Mariska! Just leave the cheese out and ENJOY!!! Ooooh clotted cream yum!!
CindyThese are incredible! I’ve never commented on anything. Ever. These are so good I had to comment. Like a real biscuit and no weird tastes!!! I’ve tried a lot of low carb bread and biscuits, but these are awesome!!!!!
carrieSo glad you loved them, Cindy!!
Kristin BunkerI just adore these biscuits. But, almond flour is expensive. I’ve noticed you don’t use coconut flour for your baked goods. Is there a reason? Any chance you might start?
carrieHi Kristin – yes on starting using coconut flour! Haven’t done so yet but it’s on my list.
Tim O'BoyleI made these last night. I’ve already bought your ice cream book and will be getting the other ones as well. I forgot to pick up the almond milk and substituted heavy cream. Soooo delicious and satisfying. Thank you for your hard work, I can’t wait to try your next recipes
carrieGO, Tim!! Thank you so much for the recipe love and cookbook support! With heavy cream those scones must have been extraordinary 🙂 Love to you!
CatherineHi Carrie,
I made these cheese scones last night and they turned out perfectly. So so delicious. Thank you for the recipe!
As a Canadian brought up in the metric system, I appreciate the ingredients in weights!
JenniferThese came out great, but since I couldn’t determine what 3/4 of an inch was, they came out like thin savory cookies. I will definately make them thicker next time. The picture showed them split in 1/2. They look thicker than 3/4″ in order to do that. Not being from England, I’m not sure if I like savory cookies as much as sweet ones. I know you have a sugar cookie recipe, but I like this recipe very much. Could I take out the cheese and add sugar free sweetener? I know your recipes are very precise. That’s what I love about you!
JenniferJust an additional note: I read the previous comments again and answered one of my questions, about the cheese. I assume it’s okay about adding sweetener. I didn’t understand the importance of a metal cutter. I used a ceramic cup. They didn’t rise. It may have stayed at 3/4 inch which is fine for a cookie, not for a sandwich replacement. But still, these are not supposed to be as thick as a muffin, right?
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Meredith DanielYou just helped me see the light about why, on the Food Network, people measure things and they don’t come out right for them in cooking contests. Enlightenment!!
carrieYay for seeing the light! Enlightenment rocks!
Cheesy Biscuits - ketovangelist Kitchen - KETO / LCHF / LowCarb[…] take a minute to read how these glorious biscuits came into existence. There is an important PSA contained therein! We’ll wait for you to come […]
Cheesy Biscuits » The Real Carrie Brown[…] take a minute to read how these glorious biscuits came into existence. There is an important PSA contained therein! We’ll wait for you to come […]
Marilyn CraigMade these this morning and my carbaholic husband loved them. In the freezer they go LOL
Crooked WifeMy Facebook Group is doing a test on Keto/Low Carb Cheese Scone recipes and I really like the look of yours and wish to test it. I don’t however have the Konjac powder or the gelatine, so must wait.
I have two questions for you if you have the time to reply.
1) Is the Gelatine powdered as in the sachet product I have been used to in the UK?
2) I can’t find a Nutritional Analysis/Carb Count for these, could you please point me in the correct direction.
I have an immense hurdle to climb now. I live in a deeply rural part of France. Finding the more esoteric ingredients is going to be hard, and I’m only thinking about Mature Cheddar at this point, not even the Konjac… I may have to depart the hymn sheet and deploy some aged Comté 😉