Daffodils make me happy. Just the sight of them lets me know that Winter is on the way out & Summer is on the way in. Such cheery little fellows, daffies. In England, in the Spring, daffodils come up everywhere there is dirt to grow in…in huge clumps, swaying gently in the breeze, heralding the start of warmer weather & sunshiny days. The sight of daffodils always brings a big smile to my face and hope to my heart. That’s probably why I painted my kitchen yellow. And my dining room. And my front door. There’s nothing like hope & a big wide smile to get the day going right.
So last October, on one particularly soggy, windy Friday in the Pacific Northwest, I planted (with help from Susan…thank you!) some 500 daffodil bulbs in my front yard.
Daffodils definitely teach us the Law of the Harvest (…aka…we reap what we sow). Did I enjoy my hours digging in the mud, rain & bitter winds back in October? Nope.
But I sure get a rush every time I see my daffodils dancing every day now. And I definitely know where William Wordsworth was coming from when he penned “I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud” back in 1804.
Yeah, I REALLY like daffodils.
SueWell worth the work – many are the times we’ve driven by to see the daffies. 🙂